IPM Missionaries Serving National Missionary Church Planters
Through the Church Mobilization Department
Dr. Brent & Mandy Smith
Vice President of Church Mobilization &
Director of the Volunteer Interactive Partners (VIP) Program
From Pastoring to Missions
Brent & Mandy planted a church in 1992 in rural West Virginia where Brent pastored for 15 years before the Lord called them in January 2008, to minister in full time missions. The Smith’s serve with IPM where they have ministered for over 14 years with national church planters in Asia, Africa & Latin American. While with IPM, Brent also pastored another church bringing his total time in the pastorate to 19 years.
“I never thought that I would be in missions. I was content as a pastor. However, the Lord had other plans and took Mandy and me out of our ‘comfort zone’ when He placed us in missions. It is so exciting to work with over 50 nationals in 26 countries, that we have never looked back!”
Brent & Mandy love people and have a special place in their heart for pastors, their wives and families. As they travel, one of the burdens the Lord has placed on their hearts is to be able to minister alongside and encourage these dear servants. They have had many opportunities to do just that and have been greatly blessed in return.
Brent & Mandy planted a church in 1992 in rural West Virginia where Brent pastored for 15 years before the Lord called them in January 2008, to minister in full time missions. The Smith’s serve with IPM where they have ministered for over 14 years with national church planters in Asia, Africa & Latin American. While with IPM, Brent also pastored another church bringing his total time in the pastorate to 19 years.
“I never thought that I would be in missions. I was content as a pastor. However, the Lord had other plans and took Mandy and me out of our ‘comfort zone’ when He placed us in missions. It is so exciting to work with over 50 nationals in 26 countries, that we have never looked back!”
Brent & Mandy love people and have a special place in their heart for pastors, their wives and families. As they travel, one of the burdens the Lord has placed on their hearts is to be able to minister alongside and encourage these dear servants. They have had many opportunities to do just that and have been greatly blessed in return.