Greetings in the name of our Blessed Lord!

Thank you for allowing me a moment of your time to introduce our ministry to you.
The Lord called us to work with national church planters around the world. Mandy & I serve with International Partnership Ministries, headquartered in Hanover, PA. At the time we joined IPM, I served as a Missionary Representative for WV & OH. In January 2012, my position changed to Deputation Director. As of April, 2014, I began serving as the Vice President of Church Mobilization. My responsibilities are the same as they have been - hosting and scheduling national church planters - as well as added responsibilities: oversight of the area representatives, deputation coordinator and the itineraries of the nationals with whom we partner, as well as the administration of the department.
IPM’s mission statement is to glorify God through the reaching of people with the Gospel, the training of Christian leaders, and the planting of fundamental churches through partnerships with national missionaries and indigenous national ministries.
We would love to come and share IPM with you and your church. Whether you are familiar or not with IPM, it would be a privilege to come and present our ministry, and give and update on what the Lord is doing. IPM has launched its Volunteer Interactive Partners (VIP) Program. This program is one that brings the foreign field to you. It is short term missions at home!
Go to our IPM website and click on the VIP link or click on "VIP Program" on this site to see the missions opportunities IPM has to offer. Please pray to see how the Lord may have you serve with IPM and its many national church planters around the world.
Our ministry is to present IPM to local churches and bring men from other countries to the United States, assist them in raising support, and report to their supporting churches so they are able to carry on the work of the Lord in their own countries . We pray that the Lord will use us to help increase the vision of missions in churches and individuals. We also desire to be an encouragement to pastors and their wives for their labor of love for the Lord. My wife, Mandy, plays the piano for me as we minister together in music.
We are on deputation, meaning we must raise support for our ministry. We pray that, as the Lord leads, fundamental churches and individuals will be able to take us on as partners in ministry. I am available for mission conferences, camps, revival meetings, pulpit supply or whatever special services you may have. We desire to be used of the Lord in His field of service.
Please pray for us in the following areas and if the Lord should lead you to partner with us financially, we thank you. Please send your support to IPM, and in the memo put "Smith Support" or whatever project you are supporting. You may also give online by clicking Smith Support.
Prayer Requests:
1) Our physical health, Mandy with her chronic migraines, etc.
2) Support and travel needs. Lord willing, I will be traveling more extensively in the States as well as some
If we can be of service to your ministry, please contact us at the address below, or simply email me.
Partnering Together Because the Harvest is Ripe,
Brent D. Smith, D. Min.
Vice President Church Mobilization
100 Spring Ave.
Hanover, PA 17331
717.637.7388 Ext. 106
[email protected]